With the first of May upon us, we had another snow storm which closed roads here and on the eastern plains of Colorado. May baskets? Give me a break!!! I do remember making May baskets with my grandmother in the early 50's and maybe even as far back as 1949. She lived in a small town just 4 miles south of us and since I was the oldest grandchild of her youngest son, I suppose I spent a lot of time with her. I have fond memories, too many to list here, but we always made May baskets filled with goodies which I would then deliver to the neighbors in the block. I would carefully place the baskets on the step, ring the bell and run back to the safety of grandma's front porch where we would watch for the reaction of the neighbor. Does anyone still do that?
We have been so busy. We went to Cheyenne so the Mr. could play in a tournament and pick up some remodeling items (garbage disposal, light fixture etc.) Well, we came home a lot poorer! Having sold our camper trailer last fall, we knew we would be getting a new one. The mall had an RV dealership and we just stopped to look. Ha Ha! We are now the proud owners of a new travel trailer and went back on Wed to pick it up. Because of the last two days of snowy weather, we haven't even got to look at it inside. The robins, bluebirds and the finches have been scrambling for food with snow everywhere and my feeders have been a source of nourishment for the finches. Busy little guys they are!! The house finches with their red top feathers look like they have crew cuts as the feathers on their heads stick straight up when they are wet. We have a nesting pair of bluebirds in one box and the robins bathe regularly in the pond in spite of the chilly weather.
Being in a city with access to fabric this week, I was able to get some more for quilt projects on the horizon. Below is a snap the Mr. took of me while I was trying to layer the rosebud pattern to prepare for quilting. I have started the free-motion quilting process and find it relaxing, but very time consuming. I love piecing but quilting is not my favorite. This quilt will probably grace the bed in the trailer as it is my first free-motion project and has been a learning process. Not something for the county fair for sure!!

My friend, Barb, just got back from Hawaii and is thrilled to be here with snow to deal with I know. We have chenille bedspreads with which to do something and think we will make some baby quilts. They make such soft quilts, and we have collected so many. My friend Debby had a tough time when her last heifer was calving. In distress and not able to get any help for the heifer, she turned on Debby and injured her. When all was said and done, the calf did not survive and Debby may have some back injury that will require some recovery time. She was hospitalized and is home with a back brace I think so will check on her and I do wish her all the best. She is such a hard worker and did not deserve this!! I had intended to get some pictures of some of the calves this week, but that will have to wait.
"Let us not forget that the cultivation of the earth is the most important labor of man. When tillage begins, other arts will follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of civilization."
- Daniel Webster