Sunday, June 28, 2020

10 days

Ten days since I blogged so what does that mean?  Either have been really busy or ?.  Honestly, I feel like I cannot find time to write, but on the other hand, what have I done with my time?  I did get to go to meet with my other journal buddies on Friday and the lovely gal who runs the art and craft shop is so nice.  She had so much donated supplies!  In the hallway, she had tables with all sorts of items and books and fabric for $1.00 each.  But recently, I have been inspired to start painting again as I am attempting to communicate in my art journal what is happening with our country.  Referring to the Corona Virus and the BLM protests and the political crap (and I feel like that word describes it perfectly), there is much to relate for the future in a way to use art and text.  I am still working on the Quilt of Honor for my other neighbor and I am working in the back yard to make terraces for more plantings.  Right now it is mostly a blank canvas, but the Mr. is putting a railing on the existing back deck and all of these things take time.  When I do get in the mood to paint or quilt, I need to do it when the mood strikes me as the creative juices dictate how I spend my time.  Never have I felt the need to go to the computer to spend time.  It happens out of necessity, so FB and Blogging are far down the line. I am not a sitter. I need to be doing something.

Yesterday was the first time so far that we did yard sales.  Our state is in mandatory face mask wearing by order of the Governor and because we have done so well, we are in phase III of the recovery issue.  Our daughter went with us yesterday, but it also seemed that people are still social distancing as there weren't nearly as many sales as we had expected.  I did however get some stamps and a few other things for art journal supplies and the Mr. found a vise.  As we left on our adventure, the neighborhood Master Gardener was working on one of the common islands in our loop and she gave my gardener daughter some great information about a group she may join.  Also, she has lots of glass in the way of garden sculpture that she is willing to donate to me and invited me to come and see her garden which I have been told is spectacular.  Bonnie, I wish you were here by the way!

 Above is the page for my art journal that I painted and added several quotes regarding masks and it is nearly finished. This is a mixed media journal so there are layers of textures including the mask which is fabric and other items, even tea bag papers.  Below is an area I am working on when I find the time and mood.  Of course all of the new blocks will eventually weather and match, but so far the plants here were given to me by neighbors.

The second litter of baby squirrels are soon to be born and perhaps are already here so the mother
squirrels have been scarce but yesterday and this morning one of the females came begging for her peanuts.  Usually they just bury them for future use, but yesterday mamma squirrel sat and gobbled three in a row as I gave them to her.  She was hungry!

The sun is shining now after a morning of cloud covered sky and the area by the fence is a perfect place to read.  Recently I received a series of books from a friend in Saratoga WY and I find it difficult to tear myself away from them.  In addition to being sheltered (there is no wind here either), I love to listen to the many birds back there.

"Nature has been for me, for as long as I can remember, a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight, a home, a teacher, a companion." ~ Lorraine Anderson

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Quiet on the home front

 I have again had a lapse of posts as things have been very quiet.  I know there has been a lot on the news about the protests, but we are  staying home, staying busy here and our neighborhood carries on as usual.  Very quiet is our normal.  My backyard is my sanctuary and I have been watching a pair of wrens working to build a nest in the brown birdhouse above. They have worked on again off again, gathering moss and have built the mossy nest up to the opening.  I am confused about their activity as they will work together for a while in the afternoon and then perhaps in the evening but I will not see them for hours then.  They first were checking the purple house, in and out of both for a couple of days before choosing the lower one. 

 In another corner of the yard, where I have placed 3 lawn chairs is where I have been retreating to read.  Today was a beautiful sunny day and that area is totally shaded by the huge fir trees.  Actually, the canopy of branches does not allow the sun to shine through except for the blue patches of sky through the needles.  I sat and listened to so many birds.  We have identified several...the Juncos, finches, robins, woodpeckers and wrens and we do have crows.  I know that we have a few hummers, but there are so many blooms which they prefer that I haven't put out a feeder.  The squirrels and bunnies are plentiful this year and people say it is a bumper crop for them.  It is so much fun to watch the young squirrels play and chase each other.  I also keep watch for another possum.  Apparently they have been pretty scarce, but used to be quite a nuisance.

Below the Mr. is decked out to spray the moss.  He has nearly replanted all of the bare spots in our yard with grass, but there is some moss upon which he has declared war.  
In my little reading area, there is a carpet of moss which I really don't mind and it is green and doesn't need to be mowed.  I haven't seen a deer this week, but they too are pretty abundant.  

We have ordered new windows and they will be installed in about 4 weeks.  I haven't bothered to try to clean these as they are original to the house and are in poor condition. That should just about be the last upgrade for the house, and then we can do a little bit of work on the yard as it doesn't need much. 

Have a safe weekend and Happy Father's Day.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

New Normal

 I finally got out to the shop last Friday.  Masks and sanitizer have become the new normal.  How long will this last?  I find it still difficult to have a conversation with someone and the social distancing has really put a damper on "MY NORMAL".  This little weathergram, which was made and given to me Friday by my motivator Kathy, helps to inspire me to paint.  The tulip on the front and the feather on the back as well as the message, were artfully done on brown paper bag.  I was instructed to hang it outdoors where the rain will fall on it.  There is no real damage from the wind and rain.  Amazing!  The message is "dance in the wind".  The wind rarely blows here and it has never blown anything like we had in Wyoming so far.  However it has blown a bit today and although I did not dance in the wind, I did walk in it.  The temperature was 63 degrees, wonderfully comfortable and the sun was shinning between the gentle sprinkles.  We also got to Hobby Lobby this morning with very few shoppers, I was able to get more art supplies.

I hung the weather gram from my ladder outside and it fluttered in the wind and rain.  If posts are less frequent, it is the new normal, staying home and going nowhere and having no social life.

"Nobody can be in good health if he does not have fresh air, sunshine and good water."  ~ 

Thursday, June 4, 2020


 Nothing is happening as we begin to open up after the first wave of virus.  We are told another may happen and the question is...will this unrest be another beginning?  Hopefully not.  Because it is so very quiet on the home front here, there is no news to share although we stay busy.  Above are some "hens" that my neighbor forced on me and I am grateful to get new plants, especially if I don't have to buy them.  Erica was here so there were plenty to share with her.  These are much larger than what I have ever grown as the stones are at least a foot long, perhaps longer.  Below, the Mr. is putting edging on the stretch of yard  that I have deemed to be a path.  He has been planting grass, fertilizing, and weeding dandelions.  Actually, our front yard has NO visible blooms now and it's actually green.  
Squirrels are about ready to have the second batch of babies and the first litters are nearly grown.  They are a bit flighty, but my mama squirrel comes nearly every day for her ration of peanuts.  The thing is....she just buries them.  She may eat one occasionally, but it has become a sort of game for us. She comes and begs on her hind legs with her little paws tucked under her chin and waits for me to throw her two peanuts.  I am sorry that I don't have more to post, but really it is pretty dull around here.  Not complaining though, as I am loving my time to be just me and not have to look at the calendar to see if there are obligations. 

We are ready to replace the windows in the house and that will be happening before fall...maybe sooner, depending on the contractors.

"How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!" ~ Maya Angelou