Tuesday, March 31, 2020

New pics

 I had a request for pictures of this home. Most of my friends know this is house #10 for us as we bought and sold several as we began to think about retirement and eventually landed here.  The Mr. can do just about anything from plumbing to electrical to roofing and carpentry.  The last 2 were a custom built 2700 sq ft on 4 plus acres and river access near Saratoga Wy and a 3400 sq ft twin home in Cheyenne.  He wasn't allowed to cut holes in either of them as they did not need any work.  It was our intention to downsize and this home in Lacey WA was built in '79, a rental, and a little over 1600 sq ft.  Quite a change for us and in need of some work.  I previously mentioned the cupboards, so rather than take on the task of painting them, I opted to rough them up as in shabby chic or French Country; either way much easier and I love them.  Still needed is a seal coat which will be done later.  So below is the front side of the island and an example of what the doors and drawers appear now.  

I will continue to post more pictures of other areas in the future blogs.  In the mean time, we are still in the "stay at home" situation, but today is our daughter's birthday and I was able to make her a cake and we did take it to her.  

Today I did get out and walk in between rainy periods and the sun came out several times during the day.  No coat, no hat, no snow boots! Not even an umbrella!  Beautiful blooming trees and spring bulbs of all sorts. 

"Earth laughs in flowers" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Dandelions and Daisy

 Keeping busy during this "stay at home" time, has not been an issue for us.  Last week, when the weather was sunny and warm, the Mr. began to rage war on the dandelions. He has a tool that would challenge some weapons of war I think.  So on his hands and knees, he attacked the lawns.  Comical as it may seem, a neighbor found humor in it by asking what he was doing?  With the rain we are having this week, he will not be without work.
 I have mentioned the journaling gals and above is my first attempt at transforming a spiral booklet by sewing the cover and embellishing it with artwork from my daughter's hand and fabric which she donated to me.  Inside, I combined some pages given to me by my friend and mentor, Kathy whom I met here.  Along with some other papers, I machine stitched them and attached them with waxed thread to the booklet before the cover was put on.  Above is an example of what I have begun.  Several years ago my friends in Rawlins and I painted a life size antelope along with other artists who joined a fund raising venture for Rawlins.  They were then auctioned and in reading the article, I had forgotten that ours we named "Tilly" sold for over $3,000.00.  So in this first journal, I included pictures and some of the printed news articles.
This cover is a work in progress.  It is for a summer project.  I painted over the donated yellow daisy printed book with black and began applying bits of memorabilia yesterday.  Pages will be added later, but this has kept me busy. Since the book was covered with daisies I do believe I shall call the gal above Daisy and think she needs a bicycle built for two.  I will work on that. 

"Flowers are my Music." ~ Dr. Thomas Arnold 

(Daisies perhaps, but dandelions? ~ a sour note I think!)

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

In "stay at home" mode

 With the ability to walk in my neighborhood as if nothing were wrong in the world, and having been used to staying home, it is difficult to comprehend the situation that faces our world today.  The beautiful cherry blossoms like the one across the street from my front lawn, and my snapdragons ready to bloom below aren't affected by most of what goes on around us.
 The snap dragons outside my front door have bloomed a little but are about ready to burst and they appear almost as if they are a bush.  Also, the rosemary has the most lovely blue blossoms.  I will trim it after it loses its blooms and as it is at least 3 feet tall, it really needs to be trimmed.
I have reactivated my FB page for the time being, but it will not be a priority for me.  I do not post pictures of people but may begin to post other snapshots.  My bucket list is so long that I stay busy.
There are so many things I want to do and although I brought some of my supplies for my hobbies, I could not bring all of my paints, sewing accessories, glass supplies etc. Not knowing how long things would be in storage, or even if they would ever arrive, I donated most of my supplies for art and crafting.  Now with everything closed, I find that the creative juices are flowing and I do not have access to what I would like to have.  I have then, been sorting and organizing what I do have and finishing UFO's which has kept me very busy and away from my tech devices.  As TV buffs, we have 4 of those which we can watch at the treadmill, in bed, at the sewing machine and in the living room. Purchasing ROKU boxes which are very small has opened up a whole new world and I have binge watching UTUBE or at least listening to it. I began starting a journal with some gals who have been making beautiful books of memories and we had just begun when we had to take this break now.  So I found some great segments on UTUBE and I spent this morning sorting out some items I have had packed and that began to get overwhelming. I also stopped to make some cookies for the Mr.  I am nearly finished with my IRISH CHAIN quilt top.  So this stay at home mode has not hampered me.

Monday, March 16, 2020


Just got word that our daughter is telecommuting at home and her husband was sent home but being paid.  All bars and restaurants are being told to close as well as schools.  We are fine, but staying home..(70 plus are asked to stay home) - that's us.  So the beautiful green hydrangea arrangement above was given to me from my neighbor who was the recipient of the quilt of valor and the note with it was beautiful.  I had a couple of other pictures, but didn't get them loaded as planned as things always change and the updates don't work as before so I will figure that out.  I did go to a couple of journal groups this past week, but that will be on hold now until this "thing" runs it's course.  Hobby Lobby here has a classroom that allows this journal group to use and I met the most wonderful group of gals who welcomed another gal and me with open arms.  In addition, the craft shop I found has such a great supply of art, scrapbooking, sewing and needlework supplies which have been donated.  I surely hope with the economy now won't force these small businesses to close.  I want to go support such ventures but who knows?

I am working on an Irish chain quilt that I started this summer so that is keeping me busy, as if I don't have enough to do.  There are so many UFO's that need completed.  I will work on the photo issues.

Stay tuned and stay well!

Friday, March 6, 2020


 Oh my gosh!  It is still winter and see what is happening here in the northwest where I now call home. Back in Wyoming things are pretty cold and snowy. My allergies are kicking up as so very much is blooming and it is not Sagebrush or Cottonwood trees.  Trying to get used to different pollens, my nose is working in overdrive.  Aside from that, I am starting a new venture on serious journals.  Not having been very good in the past, I am now finding it something to do. With the guidance of someone with lots of experience I am so loving it.  She is someone I met at a shop here and she has lots of  has amazing journals.  Junk Journals have appealed to me as they lend a lot of area for creative outlet, but hers are so different.  They are wonderful!  The shop has a room which we can use and lots of free "stuff" as well as reasonably priced craft items that have been donated.  Today, another person came to join the "group" and has so much to contribute.  We all have knowledge in different and similar areas.  Mine will start with #1 as some memories in the last 20 years.  I have kept a few cards and newspaper clippings etc. - life before Washington. More about that later.
This is the rosemary plant just outside my front door and I also have some mint and some oregano.  You really cannot kill the oregano. I finished the Farmer's Wife quilt and delivered the Quilt of Valor to my neighbor.  I have a green and grey quilt that was started while we were staying with our daughter and son-in-law which, along with the black and white quilt, will be getting stitched now.

Our little dog Spencer went to the vet for his annual and needs his teeth cleaned.  He is nearly 13 (maybe even older) and I was concerned about having him put under for cleaning so the vet did all of his labs and guess he is PERFECT.  Really, she was also concerned, but everything came back in great shape sooooooo...he will get his teeth cleaned.  Sounds like he will outlive us at this state of the game.  Get ready kids!

"Journaling is like whispering to one's self and listening at the same time." ~ Mina Murray