The next 9 of the 6" quilt squares have been completed! Number 8 had way too many pieces in it for me to tackle yet...paper piecing or foundation piecing is really testing my patience. I hit a few garage sales this weekend and scored some really good stuff. Fabric was my main purchase and I was able to get some really good pieces for little of nothing. I also got a wonderful piece for my garden which I will post later and I was inspired today to start another couple of projects that I have always planned to do. I picked up a Country Woman magazine and they show the most amazing garden totems made from tea pots, flower pots, plates, etc. as well as some miniature gardens. I have the perfect place for a miniature garden so I will have to work on getting some miniatures for it in the way of plantings and garden pieces. I did pick up some hostas for my shade garden and a couple of snowball plants at a bargain price but we are battling the rabbits! We have had to put chicken wire around everything! They aren't afraid of anything and although they are cute, right now I feel like they need to go in a stew pot. I wonder also what they might carry in the way of fleas etc. Our neighbor's cats used to keep them in check somewhat, but they have not been here since Dec.
This sky blue pink picture is a wonderful reminder of Dad. It was taken a couple of weeks ago from my front porch. As children with way too many questions, we would often ask him what his favorite color was and his answer was always the same. "Sky blue pink". So in the quiet of the peaceful evenings on my front porch I will watch the pink sky and think lovingly of Dad.
"Memory is the diary we all carry about with us." ~ Oscar Wilde