Monday, July 29, 2013

back in the saddle again

 I have been enjoying the great out of doors so the computer is sporting cobwebs.  With the celebration of our nation's independence, I began a whirlwind of activities too numerous to mention.  However, this past week we had family here and although it was short, the visit was wonderful.  The Mr. and I finished our fence and with family gone, our calendar continues to stay full.  I delivered 12 quilts to the museum today to be displayed this weekend, a couple of luncheons this week and preparation for the "crafty girls retreat" next week all demand time.  The critters are bringing the new babies out into the world and above are new baby hummingbirds teasing Coalette and below an adult resident eagle has coaxed a young feller to the favorite perch just south of the above patio.
We have also seen baby antelope finally as Mom takes them down to the river for their first venture that far.  I will be posting pictures of our retreat projects which will be taking place here this year rather than the cabin at Elk Mountain.  Scheduling becomes a greater problem each year...guess I am not the only busy one!!!

"All my life through, the new sights of Nature made me rejoice like a child. ~ Marie Curie