This is the area of floor in my studio with some definite cracks. Brown branches and one stroke leaves and stenciled roses were a great
camouflage for the imperfections. It was also cheap. I like to think I am being thrifty and practical, but it probably is just cheap. As most of you following this blog know, this is the 7
th home we've purchased...camp #7. Each time we begin to explore our new digs, we dream of finding that lost fortune in the walls or some great treasure at the least. I can't recall ever finding much except perhaps a tool left behind in the rafters by an absent minded construction worker, but as the Mr was installing a new sub-floor in the dining room this week, he decided to go to the basement to see how far the screws extended. Future construction will
necessitate installation of a ceiling downstairs. After peeking into the area under part of the flooring he discovered a jar of what appeared to be homemade jelly. And there was more! We discovered 2 more canning jars of a mysterious substance and decided to explore more of the spaces. Next was an old 8-track tape. Then a block of wood with 4 pictures of a small boy
decoupaged to the sides and the quote "Chip off the old block". Finally a rental tape of a porno film! Obviously this had been a hiding place for someone, but who? Previously I had discovered a small plastic bag on top of my bathroom medicine cabinet with a beaded necklace and bracelet. A forgotten gift perhaps for a child or teenager or a stolen item from a sibling? Again it was clearly put there for a hiding place and long since forgotten. One room in the basement was a recording studio and the ceiling is insulated with egg cartons. When we approach that project we may find more hidden treasures. Who know? The second picture of the kitchen floor demonstrates clearly the ugly task the Mr. has encountered in removing the first layer of parquet flooring which was securely glued to the first. The underlying parquet was laid so that the cupboards were installed on top, so that layer has to stay. We are now ready to install the laminate and pictures will follow. If floors could talk this one would surely say "ouch."
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