This Japanese print is one of four that is the latest treasure to surface.
We have started the demolition in the basement of the"recording studio". Look at the egg cartons in the area above the wall. We have lost count of the number of cartons and have only just begun. A dumpster has been ordered for the tons of debris we will have-- old dry wall with particle board glued onto it and all of the insulating foam, which is two different thicknesses. Nails by the dozen in each piece of deconstruction item are going in boxes. But as you will see, we did discover another treasure. At least 5 tall bookshelves of sorts were in various areas of the basement and as one of them was being removed from a wall, a cardboard tube fell to the floor. The Mr brought to me 4 really pretty Japanese prints in pristine condition. From the tight roll it appears that they have never been out of the tube. Each is about 12" X 48 " I think. The colors are exactly the colors I have in my home, the peaches,
orangy tones with greens. However, I do not have any desire to have these prints in my home. So if anyone out there would like to have them, please let me know.
Erica has updated her site so if you haven't checked lately click on her name and bookmark her. We had some good friends call us on Friday and ask us to go out to dinner. With our moves and retirement and company changes, we had sort of lost touch with some of our old buddies. We had such a great visit and hope to keep in touch a little more now that we are so close to them. Camping and dancing when we were a little younger with our kids still in school, seems like yesterday. However, we are all
grandparents now and a little more weight on our bones and grey in our hair reminds us it wasn't just yesterday. We had such fun when the kids were younger, we all camped together, hunted together, we took dance lessons together, had breakfast at 2:00 a.m. after a night out. Some of us even danced in the middle of the interstate stopping on our way to one of those late breakfasts. Much of our time spent together was a party.
"Some say that life is a party. You join it after it's started and leave before it's finished."~~ Elsa Maxwell