This past couple of weeks has been busy for me. I am still missing the company of my beagle butt, although of course HOJO the cat and Hildy the skinny bitch are still requiring my attention. I just didn't realize how "needy" the beagle was. Hildy is the smartest and most well-mannered dog. She never begs, and would never let me know that she was hungry. I worry that I will forget to feed her as I became dependent on Murphy to let me know when it was feeding time. She had a built-in-clock. She always went to the "goodie" jar and pushed her nose against it and she was so vocal. She whined and she barked and she cried when she didn't get her way. She always wanted me to get the coverlet and spread it over me on the couch so she could get up and snuggle. Amazing how different the two dogs are. Hildy is such a sweet dog. We were at the mall today and I just had to go see the many and so cute!!
I made a quick trip to Greeley the first of the week to take care of some business and I had lunch with Twyla and delivered a carburetor a friend had us pick up for him here in Cheyenne. On Thursday, we had friends from Sinclair stop for supper and a quick visit with us. I had hoped to get down again today to see my sister-in-law, but we were supposed to get snow last night (and didn't). We had at least 4 dumpsters of debris from the basement hauled out this week from the renovation taking place. It has just been busy!
This is the beginning of a quilt I hope to complete in the future. It is going to require a good deal of handwork as I am fusing the light prints to the dark prints and then hand stitching button hole stitching around each raw edge. I am also working on a sun bonnet sue of sorts, not a traditional pattern, but a more modern version with ribbon embroidery embellishment. I am an embellisher. I love to add detail to existing patterns.

Will post more of this one later. Not much of a post today, but needed to touch base and get back on the horse.
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