Spring arrived with more snow than expected. It snowed all day long today, and the wind blew and it was just downright miserable. The Mr. and I were in Casper all weekend at a pool tournament and it snowed up there. Frankly, dear, I am just sick and tired of it. The pool tournament went really well though. And as you can see from the bottom picture, we came home to strange furkids. Both of the little boys got haircuts and my goodness, Roger is a completely different looking little guy. We are still trying to guess what he is. My neighbor thinks that in addition to shih tzu he may be pug. Regardless, I never saw two happier babies. They played and romped until they dropped.
This is a new quilt that I am getting ready to quilt on the machine. The squares are actually quite small...6" finished, and I hand appliqued all of the small dresden plate pieces to the yellow background squares. I sent the baby quilt that I repaired off to Texas and they received it today so hopefully it will be handed down to another generation to treasure.

We finished the bathroom downstairs except for just a couple of things. I need to paint some and the Mr. needs to install a safety bar for the shower, but I will post some pictures when those are finished. He did such a beautiful job. It took quite a while to finish, but he had many other projects going at the same time.
This is little Roger sporting a new haircut just in time for 4-6" of white fluffy stuff. His rescue mother is home from the hospital after serious surgery and with her husband and furkids again. She will be spending some time now with ongoing treatment and we really wish her the best fighting this terrible illness. We are so grateful for all that she has done for four legged creatures, especially those that have been only hours from euthanasia.

I am ready to do some spring planting...I have lots of seedlings just waiting to get their toes in some warm garden soil and sunshine and fresh air. Spring--hurry up please.
"Baby, it's cold outside." ~ Frank Lesser