Tuesday, October 18, 2011


 I have been away from this blog for several weeks.  The quilt show in Jackson and the trip was really a blast...too much to tell here, but the day I came home I became really sick.  I don't know if I got a bug (no one else got sick) or if I ate something nasty but it laid me out for days!!!  I have a cast iron gut normally, but this was no fun.  Then it took me days to catch up on things and friends and the furkids and the garden.  Today, I dug the last of the carrots below and still have one batch to put in the freezer.  The cantaloupe  above was a volunteer in my garden and had lots of small melons growing.  However, this one was the only one that was mature enough to harvest before the frost hit and it was absolutely delicious!
 Last weekend we had our first snow...7 inches in fact.  It was extremely wet and with the wind, broke lots of trees and branches, but the California poppies below, as well as one delphinium and some cosmos are still blooming.
I have been meeting with my fellow quilters and have learned some new techniques, one of which I will share for those of you who want a neat craft project in the near future.  I also finished my Sylvia's Bridal sampler and will get a picture of that.  Glad to be back and hope to stay healthy for a while.
"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." ~ E.E. Cummings

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