Valentine's Day is tomorrow. But yesterday was our 49th wedding this is what I got from my Valentine of 49 years. We actually went out for dinner the evening before to a wonderful little Italian place here in town called "Bella's." Yes, we do have some great places to eat here although we are a small community of 2000 or so. Wine, flowers and a card from the proprietors along with wonderful food, including a decadent dessert made it a great dining experience. So when I got up yesterday morning and began to make coffee, this is what was taped to the coffeemaker. A handmade card in special is that? The Mr. and I have never been cruises, modest vacations, no high-end vehicles and in fact we are very content with how we have been blessed. So will there be another 49? No of course not, but we hope to have many more years of love together.
One of our nieces lost a very loved pet this past week. Not all people are pet people, but nearly all of our friends and relatives are. Unless you share a home with a pet, it may difficult to understand the unconditional love an animal can give. This niece had grown to feel like this dog was a family member and gave her much comfort when she needed it most. We are sorry for her loss. This picture shows our furkids and how much they are considered our family. They have the run of the house and this is our master bedroom. (and theirs) They do not sleep with us on the bed..there are too many of them and they all have their own beds...two in the hallway and the cat and white dog in our room on the floor. This is one kind of love for sure.

I have been telling the story of my cousin, who was adopted and who, in her 70's was able to locate some of her birth siblings. Her mother, Hilda, married a Mr. Spaulding shortly after the birth and together, they had 3 daughters. They were later divorced and she married again in1942 and died in 1944. Eventually all of Hilda's siblings were reunited and that was a good thing I am sure for my cousin to know. As far as I could tell from the information I received, only one of her mother's daughters had any contact with her after being located and she had passed before my cousin became ill. None of the others wanted to have a relationship with her. But because her father's family had been so receptive to her existence, that would be her half-sisters and cousins, she was able to develop a relationship with them and discover her paternal history. Not much of that information was in the file as he had accordingly broken off their engagement before the pregnancy was known. So my father's sister and her husband, who were unable to have children, adopted this baby in 1926 and gave her unconditional love all of their lives and although I am a bit younger that she was, I can testify to that love. I lost my only living grandparent, my paternal grandmother when I was about 10, and this couple who took Hilda's baby to be their own, accepted the role of grandparents and loved us as a grandparent would.
"The greatest pleasure of life is love." ~ Sir William Temple