Friday, June 19, 2015

Quilt strip

 My absence from this blog is due to a number of things not the least of which is due to my age.  The age of technology is in a cute speedy sports car and I am still driving a horse and a buggy.  With the new laptop and the new I pad, it has been a struggle to understand each device and I need a teenager as the "books for beginners" don't quite answer all of the questions.  We ancients grew up with instructions that were very basic and most of these "primers" assume that we all have been taught the basics of technology.  It came in on a sports car to my graveled road - rather a bumpy ride I find!  Thank goodness for my daughter who understands me so the blog is up due to her patience.

The row for May which was mine to complete is third from the top. The original row was top in the second photo which included humming birds.
They cannot be seen here, but they are there and she loves the little birds.  I had a print which did have hummers in it so it was perfect for her quilt and it was just a small piece of fabric acquired from who knows where, so I "fussy cut" the birds for the center of the churndash.  All of these rows are twice as long as pictured.

We have the little hummers feeding at our patio constantly and yesterday when we trekked across the Snowy Range, we saw a cow elk with a calf.
This was the first for me and it is always awesome to witness these new babies.  The little fawn antelope are being born and we have seen a few of them also.  Each day I learn a bit more about these devices, but with the warm weather and my gardens in need of attention...I will be back when I can.

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