Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Let it snow, let it snow!

 As I write this today, nearly every school in Colorado (that is where I get my news), is closed because of the mountains of snow we received.  We are actually just a few miles from the state line and in the valley between 2 mountain ranges, we are experiencing a true winter storm.

 I was up early today and when I let my little grey fur kid out, he barely got off the back step to do his duty and the snow was up to his little belly.  The major roads, the interstate is closed and it looks like the snowblower may actually get used today.
I spent the better part of one day last weekend making my Christmas cookies, so this post is just about that, and the snow.  I have boxed and delivered a few, but as our cookie jar seems to empty itself, I think I may have to break down and make some more.  These are sugar cookies, dipped gingersnaps, biscochitos (a Mexican cookie made with lard and anise seeds) .
So today as it snows and blows, I will be baking and watching Christmas movies and staying in where it is warm.  It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

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