Friday, January 15, 2016

The Birds

Above, the birds are scrambling for food as we have quite a bit of snow. However, with that comes all of the "debris" that they leave.  I need a hard rain to wash away everything. This is a short post as I am knee deep in other projects...several quilt projects to be exact and I plan to spend the weekend sewing as much as possible.  This quilt above, the twister wreath is the first twister I have done.  I purchased the template at the quilt retreat last August and until one of my twisted sister quilters decided to try the pattern, I had been procrastinating. The directions were not very clear.  But with the help of the others in my group, I decided to tackle it and voila!---I really am pleased with it.  This is a small quilt about 36 X 36, but it would be a great tree skirt or table topper and I may eventually embark on a larger project.

I went with a buddy to Laramie this week for a quilt shop fix and just a few miles along the way, we saw a herd of about 150 elk grazing along the side of the highway.  Always awesome!

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