Saturday, October 7, 2017

More trip and treasure

 This little guy is not part of the trip, but one small part of a garage sale box that I paid $1.00 to a woman who was downsizing.  (I should probably be doing that too.) In the box was a butane curling, about 100 clothespins in a ziploc, two rolls of wallpaper border, elastic for sewing, many buttons and pins, a box with sewing machine feet, sewing machine needles (new) and countless other items, some of which I took to a thrift shop.  But this old pincushion, in pristine condition with his "tail" pins was the best treasure.  I have a soft spot for pincushions and have actually been making a few more for our retreat next summer.
 This barn was one of many on our trip which captivated us.  There are several quilt blocks on this one and the barn like so many, was in great condition.  I do not even remember where it was.
At the Yoder Farm, which we toured, I took a snap of this yellow flower which the young Mennonite woman who was our guide on the Amish farm showed us.  She said it was called a popcorn plant because when the leaves were rubbed, it would smell like buttered popcorn.  It did indeed!  I met yesterday with the two gals I was lucky enough to make this trip so much fun and we hope now to be able to quilt on a regular basis.  We are sadly losing one of our two quilt shops so that may involve some more trips together.

I have my fall flowers out, hung my skeleton on my hook, put my fall wreath on the door, but snow is predicted for the first part of the week.  What happened to fall?  Halloween is next now so....

Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!

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