Sunday, May 26, 2019

Another Marvelous Adventure

It has been a year since my last post....needed a break I guess.  But a new adventure awaits us and I have been instructed to keep all of my family and friends informed of our next move.  Yes we are moving again, and this time to the state of Washington in order to be closer to family.  My siblings are now in other states and as we age, these times change our priorities.  So I have posted realtor sign and my front door.  5 days already has brought 12 showings, an open house and 2 days of realtor tours.  The movers have been contacted and we have begun to pack, although we really don't know exactly when we will be leaving.  It will be soon and we will be staying with our daughter and son-in-law when that time comes and we will be there until we find something.  Being blessed with good health, it became apparent that we needed to do this while we can.  We will miss all of our friends and good neighbors and that does leave us with a heavy heart.  So, I will be posting regularly so that all who wish can follow this adventure upon which we embark and can stay abreast.  (And it has already been a short adventure).

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