It has been how long now since we began sheltering? I find it difficult to find anything to blog about as each day seems to start and end just like the previous one. We have opted not to send Christmas cards and I did mention in last year's letter that it might just be the last. That was before the pandemic emerged with a vengeance. We order nearly everything we can as so many others are doing and the strain on the delivery people is apparent. So many of our orders arrive late in the evening and with the holiday upon us, the demand for delivery has increased. We do everything we can to acknowledge the service workers and the health care workers who especially are becoming overworked. Mail carriers have increased loads and postage is not really an essential for the most part. We receive very little mail of any significance since we do most business on line. I plan to communicate with friends though as time goes by. That brings me to another important item. At least it is important to me. My friends know that I like to stay in touch, but we have had some dropped calls recently. In fact..a lot. Not knowing exactly what the problem was and not getting a definite answer from my carrier, we opted to go with a new phone. I really don't like to spend money on phones, but they are essential. It seems now, that we simply have lousy service for some reason. This issue became a burr under my saddle just recently as I never had a problem in the past year. We have purchased a signal amplifier for cell phones and it arrived last night (delivery personnel again) ~ bless 'em. That will be an adventure getting it installed and determining if it will improve things. Wish us luck!
In the past, I have written about our kittens, who have now become almost full grown cats. At least they eat like cats! They are so darned entertaining and above you can see that Bogie found a shoe insert in my closet, drug it down the hall and into the living room. He will wrestle with it and pack it all over the house. They love the Christmas tree skirt..not the tree especially, but they hide things under the tree skirt. Then they literally get it bunched up and pulled away from the tree trying to find the treasures they hide. I heard that cats don't like oranges but when I hid orange peel under the skirt, they just made a game of hunting for them and playing with them.

With my new sewing machine, I am finally getting some of the quilts finished. This panel was purchased years ago, but it is getting quilted. And by the way, that machine is a big improvement over the old one which was pretty good actually. Life is good, we are healthy and happy and getting pretty accustomed to a life of leisure since we have very little obligations now that staying home is the norm. This will not last forever folks..mask up, social distance, wash your hands and don't be selfish in thinking this is an inconvenience for you. "To the world you just may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." ~
Josephine Billings