Friday, January 15, 2021


 I have been absent from this blog for several weeks.  Several reasons for this absence include some family issues..(not with us here in Washington; we are fine), and sheltering has limited my ability to do much except shelter. (there are others of course)  Depending on the ability to get a vaccine which now is questionable as the so called stockpile does not exist and other factors regarding Covid, it may be a while before things return to normal.  I have however gotten quite comfortable staying home and finding that I rather like my time to do whatever I wish.  I am reading and painting in my art journal as well as doing some other journaling.  We do visit with our neighbors over the fence and with masks if that warrants and I have realized how many of my previous friends have been opposed to this safety measure.  It has been an awakening for me and shocking to some degree.  I am also considering leaving this blog for a time and making this known at this time.  Stay safe and be smart!

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