Wow! This is what we woke up to a few days ago! Although it wasn't cold, it felt like winter and even though the picture is a little bit shaded, I was afraid that I would miss it if I waited for the sun. The lighthouse is nearly obliterated by the "white on white".

We drove to Laramie and then on to Cheyenne today for groceries and a much needed trip to the big box craft store. Yeah!!! The trip is a little over 2 hours one way, but the ride over the Snowies was magnificent and me with no camera. Go figure!! The contrast of the aspen and their brilliant colors against the dark of the pine forest and the sprinkling of white snow is something you have to see to believe. Maybe I will venture with camera in a few days and still get something to post. My garden club met this week and the topic of discussion was "How do you winterize your garden?" Realizing that most of these ladies have lived for about 70 years, the majority have such a sense of humor when it comes to gardening in high altitudes. The general response for the younger crowd was to mulch, deadhead, clean up leaves, etc. The seasoned gardeners however, just leave everything the way it is and see what comes up in the spring. My kind of winter preparation!!!
My painting group met on Monday and we finished the Halloween pots and will start on the pumpkin jar next. Note that we get creative here in the isolated part of the U.S. of A. We meet and paint in a bar...well, not in the bar but in one of the rooms adjacent to the bar. When we arrived, we were met with an aerobic group who is now meeting just before we paint....yes in the same bar and they hung MIRRORS on one wall! Yuk! Old ladies in their grubbies staring back at old ladies in their grubbies. Debby what were you thinking!? I don't even know if I remember when I went faithfully to an aerobics class in my cute little skin-tight outfit...and ladies we all did.
Mirrors don't lie! Soooo...all kidding aside and I am just kidding, Debby more power to you for getting creative. I don't like rules and I always tell people that I think rules stifle creativity. So I think it is great that Debby has given us all, old ladies in grubbies and perky little gals in the aerobics class, a place to express ourselves. A bar, an exercise room, a painting studio, a banquet room-- the possibilities are limitless if you are not afraid to color outside the lines.
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