I feel as if I have been on that Merry-Go-Round again and I need to get off!!! As a child I loved the carousel horses. Living in rural Colorado, the only chance we ever got to ride was the 4
th of July when the carnival came to Greeley. What fun!!! Our Dad was so good about taking us and he loved the
Ferris wheel. The best was when it stopped with us on the top and he would rock and rock that chair. My past week was busy and the one coming up is even busier. Time zips by of course, but it all happens at once in a whirlwind. Guess I will survive, but I may be dizzy!
We went camping this past week and took our new camper trailer for its maiden voyage. It was wonderful.
Anyway, I am trying to catch-up on this blog. Below is the quilt that I started and posted pics this past spring. Finally, I finished it. Believe me it was a challenge to stipple this large project and teaching myself with a book I found at a yard sale, was an experience. After making probably every mistake possible, I figured out that certain needles work better, certain threads work better (that was the biggest discovery). Don't anybody look at the back, but by the time I got to the border, I felt as if I had gotten that hang of it. I am ready now to move on to more!!

I also mentioned that I was working on these vintage metal lawn chair projects. This shows the
primered seats and frames as well as the color that I chose for the seats. Some of the parts for the glider were in need of replacement and the Mr. will fabricate them for me as he is so very talented. I have only had these for about 7 years and bartered a chest of drawers for the two pieces. Personally, I think I got the best of the deal.

Thar's gold in them
thar hills! Well, the Mr. is convinced and our skinny bitch, Hildy always spends the entire time with him in the water. This stream was cold and she shivers the entire time he is panning. Why hypothermia doesn't do her in I will never know. Click on the photo and you will get a better view of the Wyoming Indian Paintbrush in full bloom. The wildflowers were spectacular and I have more to post. That will be more of my CATCH-UP. I am off this week to transform bowling balls into lady bugs so stay tuned.
"When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment."
~Georgia O'Keefe