We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and ate way too much but were able to share with a very good friend. We missed friends who usually dine with us but had to make other plans this year. Times are difficult for lots of folks and we are thankful for our good fortune, our health, our friends and our freedom and remember the less fortunate, the sick, the lonely and the enslaved.
Despite the economy, we do live in a great country.
Now, the cute little make-do is a pincushion mounted on a piece of metal which allows it to be attached to a table with a threaded screw-like mechanism. "Make-do's" were those items made from odds and ends which would normally be thrown away, but by combining one or more items could be used for another purpose. Until recently, I had not heard this term, but being the thrifty daughter reared by my thrifty parents, I realized that I had been doing this all along. I have a real difficult time throwing away a perfectly good part of something that is still good. My storage bins and plastic buckets are full of old hardware, keys, knobs etc. which served a purpose in a previous life that I just might need to reinvent something else. I believe that creature is called a "pack rat"---GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY!
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