Saturday, October 16, 2010

Before the migration

The pictures were taken from the patio door so unless you click on them in order to enlarge them, they are a bit fuzzy. My apologies. However, there are several robins slurping and sharing with the sparrows and since I took this pic night before last, I have not seen a robin.
Fall is definitely in the air and I am sure the migration has started. There were doves, blue jays, robins, blackbirds and sparrows all fighting for territory near the water source. This is simply a cement structure, formed over a large rhubarb leaf which my daughter and I made several years ago. It has held up so well and the birds love it!!

Taking a trip today with my buddy, Sal, across the state line gave us a chance to witness the spectacular fall colors. Mother nature graced us this year with the latest Indian Summer I can remember. In the fields the cabbages were still waiting for harvest, the corn is drying yet to be cut for livestock fodder, the sugar beets are being harvested and the trees are brilliant with color!
We spent the day rummaging through antique shops and country shops and flea markets! Usually by this time we are pulling on snow boots, scarves, gloves and heavy coats, but it was a day to remember and spent with a couple of good friends, who could ask for anything more?

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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