Like so many others, with resolutions fully intending to be kept, alas, I have failed! We have been so busy that I haven't even been able to get to my blog and that makes my resolution pretty much null and void. However, this is what I have been doing. My unfinished craft room, sewing room, art studio is slowly emerging.

Although it still lacks a ceiling, the walls are nearly finished and my work tables are almost in their permanent homes and with 4 sewing machines, it looks like a sweat shop. There is one more long wall which is getting electrical outlets and
mudding and paint yet. More pictures to follow when finished!

My door casings and window casings are not yet installed, but I am finally able to get some of the treasures I have kept from my childhood and family displayed. This includes some of my old toys, a Shirley Temple doll given to me from a cousin, a quilt panel from my grandmother's needlework I think, and a place to do stained glass, quilt, paint etc. as well as lots of storage for these things which are all an extension of my need to create. We have also finished an area for a utility sink next to the bathroom so that I may bathe my little dogs when needed and clean up painting messes.
I am so very grateful that I am able to enjoy these retirement years after what seemed like an eternity working everyday. Getting up before the sun, driving in the blowing snow in the dark, dealing with unhappy clients, trying to juggle family and work and home--all were a test of my ability to succeed in life. I feel as if I have passed the test!
"I thought I wanted a career; turns out I just wanted paychecks." ~ unknown
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