Monday, August 15, 2011

More fun!

This is my teapot birdhouse and I will post more later! We had fun trying to determine just how much "junk" we need on them.House for rent? All five below. Click on the image for a closer view.
And in the cabin above the laundry this was the replacement for the old wicker shade from the 70's probably. The bulb could be replaced with something more decorative, but it sure did illuminate the area and I neglected to get a picture of the others. Figuring out how the wiring would take place with the different thicknesses of china and pottery was a little bit of a challenge, but our hostess outdid all when she shimmied up the ladder to place her birdhouse on an old aspen top. We have gotten a lot braver with our endeavors and discovered that we can find a solution to pretty much anything!

We spent the weekend with friends in the Platte Valley and helped with a community garage sale. What fun! Now we hope to get out of town for a camping trip sometime before the snow starts to fall. My garden is producing lots of goodies and I will need to take time to harvest and preserve soon. Fall is in the air.

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