Here are a few of the teapot birdhouses we made...each of us was able to have at least two and some three. Click on the photo for an enlargement.

Sunflowers this year are so pretty! My garden has produced pretty well this year, considering that I wasn't sure what I would plant and since it was my first year, I have learned a lot. Next year I will dress the cabbages in
panty hose to keep the white fluttery creatures from using them as foliage for reproducing. My daughter warned me and I kept putting off the task, however I was able to harvest my first head yesterday along with the multitude of zucchini and broccoli.

The Mr and I and dogs spent this past week camping. Weather was great, scenery beautiful, bugs were plentiful and in spite of a flat tire and cured plant seeds sticking to the dogs, it was a nice few days away from the rat race. We have a big quilt show here this next week and I suppose I will do more garden gathering and freezing for winter, but we may take a day to play again before it gets too cold to do so. Kitchen remodel on hold 'til bad weather or time permits.
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