Saturday, May 19, 2012


First, we have a baby robin!  It hatched sometime today as this a.m. all 3 eggs were intact.  Now there is one tiny wide beak barely visible when mama leaves the nest.  The Mr. marked the calendar when the first egg arrived and today was the day it should have hatched and thanks to the Internet, we got accurate information.  By tomorrow, we should have a couple more babies.  Mother Nature finally dropped a little moisture on us and believe me it was sorely needed.  I fear that we will be on water restrictions if we don't get lots more.  I got almost all of my seeds in the vegetable garden and the perennial herbs are already producing.  The spinach reseeded and we have been cutting salad from it above for a couple of weeks.  I will put more herbs in this week and get my wonderful new herb markers out as well as the tomatoes.  Potatoes are peeking through the soil and there is much more to do.

I had another birthday and am blessed to have had so many well-wishers.  We got a new shower put in the master bath.  The tub is gone and we can now walk into a large shower which will be more and more a great thing as we age and become less nimble. That was not my birthday present!  I plan to get some Adirondack  chairs for my shady garden, but the shower was a bit pricey so that will have to wait.  My neighbor took me to lunch and of course I had my friends for a few days last week.  We try to spend time together around our birthdays.  I have lots of flowers in the front garden ready to burst with color and will post both that and progress in the veggie garden.  Today with the weather so wet, I was able to get some quilts assembled and ready to quilt so I have "miles to go before I rest".

"There are fairies at the bottom of our garden." ~ Rose Fyleman    (I found worms in mine).

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