Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Gardens and babies

 Before we discuss the gardens, the babies are now nine and ten days old.  The first picture shows them just a few days old, two or three.  They are so pink with little tufts of fur on their large heads.  Their little scrawny necks wouldn't even hold their heads up.  I woke up today to find two blue eggs in the nest.  I couldn't imagine that mom had started another family so soon.  As you can see, the babies now have feathers on and after observing them throughout the day, we think the eggs  are unhatched from the beginning eggs and as the babies are now pretty mobile, they are moving the eggs as they scramble for food. 

 This is my gnome garden.  This picture is for Pat and Barb.  I put impatiens in the stump, but please note the gnomes hiding in the pot as well as the garden bear sneaking up behind!  Thanks gals!
As always, I have a beautiful flower garden out front.  I wish I could take more credit, but really, I just put things in and pray for the best.  I don't fertilize and I mulch sparingly and with May not even over, I have an abundance of blooms and more just about to open.  In addition, I have discovered that the birds give me surprises.  I have a purple geranium that I did not plant which is blooming and a few cone flowers that I did not plant.  Also, in the gnome garden I have chives!  I did not plant them in the shady spot, but they are blooming.
"The difference between truth and a fairytale is what you see in the photograph of a seed catalog and what actually comes up in your garden." ~ Folklore from Deb, South Dakota

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