A few posts ago my garden was but a twinkle in someone's eye. Now it is bursting with joy. A gift from a dear friend, the old wooden ladder serves as property space for Peter Rabbit's bed and breakfast. From the front door of each bird house stands a magnificent view of radishes gone to seed due to hot weather and now fodder for finches. My peas are ready for picking and the beets and carrots are thriving along with zucchini, potatoes and tomatoes. The spinach is long gone except for a few small new plants and the lettuce is ready. The herbs are mostly blooming and really, I cannot possibly use them up fast enough. We especially have a great cilantro crop.

Our retirement has not been retirement. With the large amount of renovation and remodeling we have done, some of the smaller projects had to wait until good weather. Re-routing the dryer vent, venting some plumbing, fixing a soffitt which became home to an industrious bird who built a nest in a portion of it and had babies--all had to wait for summer. One project leads to another always!!
We are fortunate to have been able to do these things, but alas, we are getting older and need to be done. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but sometimes it seems a bit dim.
Week after next is Frontier Days, the grandaddy of 'em all! With concerts, rodeos and parades among the festivities, our western town is always hopping. There is so very much to do and see for a full week and we will be having family and friends in now for some of those activities plus more. We hope to take some time away from the "job" and enjoy!
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