Monday, August 6, 2012


Much has taken place since my last post.  This will be one of the last posts for a few weeks perhaps.  I am not sure.  The picture above shows one of the projects my great niece completed while she was here with us.  A trip to Denver to pick her up, Frontier Days Parade, activities and a visit to the State Museum along with the crafting kept us busy.  We had friends here during that week also and then a death which came unexpectedly that week.  I took Eilish back to Denver on that Friday, our daughter flew into Cheyenne the following Monday as I again trekked to Denver for the funeral.  We spent last week with Erica doing lots of activities and in addition, her friend from Virginia was here with her husband and two little boys and we all stayed busy.  On Friday, Erica and I drove to Centennial Wy for my school employee luncheon, mostly retired teachers and then we drove on to Rawlins.  This past weekend was her 20th high school reunion and I spent the two days with one of my best friends.  Yesterday, I drove back with Erica to put her on the plane at about 10:15 a.m.

Today the home inspector comes.  That is an entirely different tale.  On the 11th of July we drove to Saratoga to get away from the activities here and take a break.  On a whim, we decided to look at a home that was for sale out of town on 4.5 acres.  It was beautiful and the price had been reduced and we decided to make an offer.  It was accepted the same day.  We came home, put our house on the market and it sold in 4 days after the first showing and counter was made and accepted.  We spent the past 3 weeks with mortgage paperwork, real estate, insurance agents, now inspectors, arranging movers etc.  We have a family reunion in California and have to be out of this home in 3 weeks.  So another marvelous adventure begins!

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