Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Back up and running

OK folks, after a month nearly, I am back up and running.  We have moved and are getting settled in our house, but it has been somewhat of an ordeal.  We had to leave out kitty for a month, we have had a couple of electical glitches, a plumbing issue and since none of the 25 plus windows had coverings which we have ordered and are trickling in.....I could write a book.  We love, love the home and location and will deal with the little things of course as we always do. The view is spectacular and our furkids are in heaven with the antelope and deer and moose and multitude of smells here.

 For our craft retreat at the cabin next summer, this stepping stone above is an example of one of the projects I have been asked to plan.  It is a concrete stepping stone with a moose inset of stained glass.  This particular piece is about 12 years old and is a little stained.  However, it has held up amazingly well! 
 This is an example of paper piecing, which is really a very old technique used by women who sat and hand pieced quilt squares.  By using a paper guide and sewing the fabric to the paper, it allows for an incredibly precise method to assemble a quilt. It is one of the projects I am working on and it will provide a way to use up all of the little scraps of fabric that I cannot discard.
We have had our first guest!  One of my quilting buddies came to spend a couple of days on her way back from a class reunion in Fresno.  We had a great time and I gave her a tour of the communities here.  She is one of my quilting buddies and I am ready to get back into the swing of things.

So above is one corner of my current sewing room.  I am still trying to "find" things, but the light in this room is wonderful! I have had to downsize a little and we have a crawl space full of items that will probably end up in a garage sale, but I find myself going down to retrieve items with which I cannot bare to live without.  My junk is I guess, an extension of my personality.

"Dull women have immaculate sewing rooms."  NOT ME

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