Friday, October 19, 2012


 My two little guys, Roger on the left and Spencer on the right have become such buddies!  I have posted pictures before, but I just couldn't resist this snap above.  And below, this cat of mine is always good for a laugh.  We had to leave her at a kennel in Cheyenne while we were waiting to get in our home and luckily, the people in charge, took excellent care of her.  She even went home with one of them.  We were told that she would "ride" on the broom when they were sweeping.  Anyway, she didn't much care for the 2 hr ride home, but as you can see...she adjusted and the queen marches around in her royal manner sometimes packing a clear plastic bobbin. A bobbin from my sewing machine gives her a constant amount of entertainment.  When she swats it with her paw, it flies through the air and being round, it will roll across our wood floor forever.  It is small enough, but not too small for her to pack it upstairs and back down again. Cheap entertainment. She loves to perch here and sun herself during the day.
This past weekend, my good friend and neighbor and I both scored some architectural pieces at an antique shop about 60 miles away. Our plan is to use them to build birdhouses and I am trying to decide how to proceed with my design.  That will be the next project I hope to post..stay tuned!

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