Within the week, my father would have been celebrating his 99th birthday. Although he has been gone for a number of years, his influence molded my life. His sense of humor, his ability to live knowing right from wrong and his love for his family and life in general--those things were the foundation for our lives. So again, I post a picture of his favorite color--sky blue pink. This was a sunset this past week taken from my front porch. Happy birthday dad.

I will always be thankful for his frugality. Today more than ever, we are encouraged to re-cycle. As I have mentioned before, that is how we always lived. Nothing was thrown out that might be re-purposed. So when I found this cabinet at a thrift shop, it was apparent to me that it was a "make do". My love for primitive and the history behind make do items, those re-purposed things, inspired me to make the purchase and use this in my kitchen. It was formally part of a Hoosier type cabinet. With two small drawers and 3 larger metal bins all mismatched materials, someone patched together this small cabinet. It had a broken leg which had been reinforced and screw holes where a door had been. The baked porcelain top is chipped and over sized for the piece and I have used it this way for a couple of years. I decided to give it a new life last week and with some glue for the leg, sanding and new paint, I now have a wonderful new island for my kitchen and the bins now hold my flour, sugar and baking supplies.

This is my make do and I love it! This picture really does not give it justice...I think it is prettier in real life!!!
"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family." ~ Anthony Brandt
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