Sunday, May 12, 2013

Rocks and more on Mother's Day

 Happy Mother's Day to all of the mother's who read this blog.  I have a birthday coming up and told a friend earlier this year that I wanted a big rock and pointed to my ring finger on my left hand.  Oh...there is a nice rock there.  But really I love rocks--the real thing. I got an E-mail from this friend the next day telling me that she could get me that rock.  Having grown up where we had lots of rocks, I never understood the fascination of relatives who visited from the east wanting to haul back rocks.  However, as I have had many back yards to put my signature on and having an abundance of "free" landscape materials, I have found a bit of pleasure in rearranging these rocks in a manner that pleases me.  I am an embellisher!!! This rock weighs about 3,000 pounds and it was free from a wonderful friend who even loaded it for us onto our flatbed trailer.
 We had to haul it about 10 miles on back roads, but then had no way of getting it off.  Thanks to another wonderful friend and neighbor and payment of supper, he brought his skid steer up and this is how we did it.  There was some damage done to the floorboards of the trailer, but nothing the Mr. said would be a problem.  I happened to mention how much this would have cost me from a certified landscaper and he indicated in jest that I owed him that much and submitted a bill to me as he left on his grocery list from his pocket.  In pencil it read-" $250.00 for ugly rock moving."  I also received a new patio set from the Mr.  We have over $800.00 worth of lumber now sitting in the back yard for a permanent fence which will go up as soon as we can get it done and this same neighbor will be submitting me another bill on another scrap of paper for digging post holes for the fence with this same piece of equipment.  He got a new post hole attachment for this piece of equipment and is dying to try it out I am sure.

This quilt below is Revolution Square.  This pattern was mentioned in a book about quilters from one of my favorite authors and downloaded the pattern as I needed a new quilt for my bed.  The older one was getting a bit faded...I feel that quilts are made to be used, so I use mine.  The only problem is that I like large quilts and they are sometimes difficult to handle on a smaller domestic machine, but like arranging rocks in my gardens and yards, I get pleasure in arranging the fabrics so I guess it doesn't take much to make me happy (nor Roger here, just a soft bed).
"Being a mother means that your heart is no longer yours; it wanders wherever your children do." ~

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