Thursday, May 1, 2014


Just a quick post to show the two rings we had made for our 50th.  Gold right for 50?  I got a silver tea set for 25 and who uses silver tea sets? But I love it and it is an antique which makes me happier although not so happy to polish.  This picture doesn't do the rings real justice, but it has been difficult with resources we have (old camera and inexperienced photographers) to capture the brilliance of my stones which were given to the Mr. for his 30 years service with his company. The two elk which encircle his elk tooth are quite detailed and I cannot remember where my small tooth came from, but it was perfect for this setting.

20 degrees May 1st when I rose today..what's wrong with this crazy weather.  The interstate 80 was closed most of yesterday for winter conditions and although we haven't had to worry about tornadoes like so much of the nation, the wind has been horrible. 

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