Monday, February 9, 2015

The "eyes" have it

 Ahha! See the eyes?  A couple of days ago I pulled the shade to see what I could see and these deer were staring back at me.  Of course the sun wasn't yet up so all I saw were eyes!
 Now in the pasture where our land joins the Spur at the birdhouse here, horses are grazing and this is the first time I have seen them in this pasture. There have been coyotes, prairie dogs, goats, antelope, deer, elk and moose, but the horses have never ventured up this way so far.  Turns out there was an open gate and they are now back down by the river in another pasture.  

Not much has been happening in my world so the lack of posts is just a sign of that.  Life is good, but quiet and even though the rest of the country is experiencing winter and weather so bad, we have had spring here.  You can see by the lack of snow on the hills in the background that mother nature has been kind to us. Hopefully the mountains have enough snow for decent run off this spring, 'cause things here are dry.
The quilt is finished and folded on the bed in the spare room.  It was one of the most difficult ones to actually quilt for some reason and is quite large, but it is pretty if I do say so myself.  I have been kept busy doing some cleaning...I clean cupboards etc. after the first of the year so my spring cleaning is done before spring actually arrives and speaking of that...daylight savings time is only a few weeks away and then there will be more daylight at the end of the day.  I can handle the dark in the mornings, but I don't like it so early at night. 

"The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have." ~ Lin Yutang

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