Monday, April 20, 2015

Winter in Wy

 It is hard to believe that two weeks have passed since the last post, but it is also hard to believe that we have had so much snow this past week.  Roads closed for two whole days for the most part and we were headed south to a quilt show and weekend with a friend.  NOT POSSIBLE!  Crazy weather.  It snowed for two days constantly, but the snow was so wet and we need the moisture so maybe next year we will make it.  Above, the quilt made from my scrap stash for the bed.  This is where my furbabies sleep when they nap during the day.  Now the furbaby below is a small breed of the critter which lives mostly under the pine tree out front and munches on the lawn.  He doesn't eat much.
We did make it in to Rawlins Saturday for our health fair results, but the interstate was closed and since we were local, we were allowed to go through to come home.  Our intent was to see a movie but our better judgement told us to come home.  Another movie now playing is The Diviner.  Probably most don't really know what one is today, but I remember my grandmother was a diviner.
I saw her more than once with a forked branch trying to locate water.  I have mentioned it before, but I felt doubt from those I told.  She was born in the late 1800's and before modern methods of locating water for wells, it was common for one to divine for water. Apparently not just anyone had this skill, but from old newspaper clippings and stories retold, my grandmother was a remarkable woman.  I remember my uncles telling me that she knew when she would get a letter from a son who was overseas during WWII and send someone for the mail. Although she was a "lefty" she could do anything equally with both hands. I remember her singing the alphabet back words to me and she was a tiny lady, wearing a size 4 shoe. She died when I was only about 10, but every once in a while I hear something that stirs up an old memory of this wonderful pioneer woman.

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