Monday, August 14, 2017

Garden addition and more

 Our small backyard has much potential for gardening and the ugly spot of grass is going to be beautiful when I get finished with it.  The Mr. has been killing the invasive crabgrass-like green growth in the lawn and I decided to eliminate the grass all together in this spot by building a flower bed.  Yes! I have in the past had great success in making great flower beds in questionable soil by lining the area with layers of newspaper and covering with good soil and mulch.  This is left over the fall and winter to compost and in the spring....plant!!!
 We used about 10 bags of garden soil and some dead and decomposing grass clippings (NO SEEDS) .

 Looks pretty good right now and will be even more wonderful next year.  The downside is that I forgot that I have a little grey dog who loves to play in the he has been loving it for now.  We have had a good deal of rain in the evenings so this will speed up the decay process.  I also did not take into account of the sprinklers which cannot easily be seen so I had the Mr. turn them on, hoping that I had not covered up one of them.  Luckily I did not and there is one just to the side of my bed which will water the entire area.
 These are not great pictures of the spoon pincushion, but the idea is clear I think.  I found this great large shell-bowled spoon for a dollar at a yard sale and with some of the items my buddy and I had collected, I was able to make this antique look for a little of nothing with fabric and glue!  I am on the hunt now for more!  The Mr. and I have been hitting a lot of garage sales and we have scored some stuff we probably don't need.  However, we meet some nice people!

"Imagination is the highest kite one can fly." ~ Lauren Bacall

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