Sunday, August 27, 2017

Quilt retreat and good friends!

 Last Thursday, I trekked to Encampment for a quilt retreat which has become an annual event. Approximately 30 quilters, experienced and novice participated for the two day retreat.  With quilts displayed and hung from nearly every available space, it can only be described as a truly successful venture again.  We set up Thursday afternoon and returned on Sunday for clean-up. This community of quilters and residents furnished enough food for 3 meals both days and there was an abundance of salads, desserts and meats for all as well as breakfast casseroles and drinks.
 This is a portion of the Green River ladies' quilt inventory, which they transported in a U-Haul truck and it is also the fourth year they have come with their wares and have taught a class.  It is owned by a gal and her mother and they assured us that they love coming here and have already committed to next year, same place, same time.
 The flower above is a fractured technique, taught by an instructor on Saturday and although both classes taught were optional, almost everyone took both classes and this gal came from Nebraska, also having taught last year.
Below is the wall hanging, the Green River gals taught on Friday and will hold Christmas cards or pictures etc. and I thoroughly enjoyed learning both techniques.  The camaraderie with all of these ladies is terrific and we all feel like one big family. We have been through some tough times and some great times and in a small ranching community, it is especially necessary. I had been gone for a year and when I arrived, each and everyone of my friends gave me the biggest bear brought me to tears and I so miss them.
 Enough of the pity party. The Mr. and I have been hitting garage sales as I have mentioned before and yesterday was an unusually great day. However, the little sewing machine below was scored at a flea market a few weeks ago and it now graces the top of my White Treadle.  Love it!
Next time, more about the garage sale day.

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