Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Still waiting

 We are still waiting on our furniture to arrive....and as you can see the two little dogs are waiting, and waiting and waiting.  The latest news is that it was to be loaded today and should be here between the 23rd and 28th.  Our fingers are crossed and I am sure that our landlords here are as anxious as we are as they have relinquished their bedroom so we would not have to deal with stairs. 
 The photo of the fern above is for my friend, Bonnie and is as tall as my shoulders.  Erica has a multitude of these in her back yard along with several other varieties.  We worked over at the house today.  As I told friends on many occasions, we were looking for a place with a small yard and that did not happen.  Priorities in other areas took precedence in the decision to purchase this place. There are no stairs to deal with, a great fenced yard for the dogs, a much smaller home, updated for the most part, a nice quiet neighborhood, lots of shade trees in the back with a low deck and a large garage.  But the yard is not small, so the Mr. bought a self-propelled mower.  We teased him today as he did try it on the lawn and nearly had to run to keep up with it (not really)~~no pushing this one!
Erica is a gardener and above is the garlic that she just harvested.  It will dry this winter and she uses it all year long.  She also makes lots of vinegars...something that I haven't tried. She didn't harvest all of her carrots and they have gone to seed which she is saving.  Here another later crop can be sewn and she purchased some starts last week and put them in...beets, etc.  You can get a good fall crop here. We are supposed to be getting some rain finally so it probably will start just as our furniture is due to arrive. Keep your fingers crossed.

"What garlic is to salads, insanity is to art." ~ Augustus Saint~Gaude

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