Sunday, December 9, 2007

More simple things

On Sunday mornings I sit with my cup of coffee and my two faithful dogs and the temperamental cat and watch CBS Sunday Morning News.  In this complicated world, it truly is a program of news....most often very wonderful stories.  Sometimes, they even depict stories of much simpler times.  Two stories today of particular interest were of the success of singer Michael Boble` and his Frank Sinatra  style.  For those of us who remember, that brings back memories of much simpler times.  A time for the most part after world war II, was a time of prosperity for most of the nation and we were at peace with the world.  The other story that sparked more good memories of those simple times was that of the doll house.  I am sorry that I didn't get more specifics of the featured personalities, but the miniatures were detailed down to the decorations on the Christmas trees...and when I was a child, they were ALL Christmas trees.  I didn't have a doll house as a child but my sister, Joan, did and we spent a good deal of time playing with that little tin house.  The furniture was plastic and after saving the few pennies and nickles we could get from returning pop bottles at the gas station across the street from our grandmas house, we could go to the drug store and buy a piece of furniture.  That little doll house couldn't hold a candle to the ones on today's program, but it gave us such simple pleasure.
I spent a few trips to flea markets and junk shops last spring searching for Christmas cookie cutters.  Below are the pictures of the cutters as they made their way into a garland for my kitchen. 
Sprayed with primer below , then sprayed black, then dry brushed with parchment and finally in a garland at the top.

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