Sunday, June 29, 2008

Moose on the lick!

We drove over the Snowy Range yesterday and saw this young moose at a salt lick. They look so clumsy with their skinny legs. We have a lot of snow on top but not so much lower on the mountain. Everything was so pretty! The Mr. is one of 4 boys living, and his brother Carl, paid us a visit all the way from Indiana this week. He is counting the months until retirement but hasn't decided where to land yet. Also my sister, Joan, who lives in Texas retired! I guess that makes us old, but I doubt that we will ever grow up! This is a shorter post than most but my summers are way too short to spend much of it at this ol' computer so I am signing off 'til a little later. Everyone have a safe and wonderful 4th as we celebrate again our independence and please don't take for granted your right to pursue happiness!!!

"The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so." ~ Robert G. Ingersoll

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