Actually, my sister, Twyla had a birthday this month and came yesterday for a short visit. I had baked her a cake and she thankfully took half of it home with her. Like I need another piece of cake on my butt!!! But it has caused me to reflect on Birthdays over the years. My first memory of a birthday party was at some point in time when I was a little girl and classmates were invited to my home. I only remember being in total awe (evidently my mom planned it for me) when these kids from school showed up. I think only one boy came. I don't remember ever having another party like that. Mostly it was just family, but there was always a cake for us and at least one gift to open. We always had ice cream as we had a cow and dad made ice cream a lot for us.
We have lots of pictures of the Mr. and his brothers and cousins with birthday cakes and candles. Just a bunch of hick kids in overalls and blue jeans and bare feet, but his mother also made sure that birthdays were special days.
Our two children were as different about birthdays as two kids could be. Mike had lots of birthday parties and was always ready for a party...especially when he was a teenager and it didn't have to be a birthday party. If there was a party....he was there it seemed. Erica hated birthday parties. What mother doesn't want to pamper and dress up her little girl? Her grandmother bought her the cutest dresses when she was little and I got away with it 'til she started school. We didn't see her legs after that until 8th grade graduation. We had a slumber party for her when she first started school and she hated it! The girls fought and wanted to go home.....not a pretty scene. She wouldn't even let me take cupcakes to school for her birthday. She didn't want anyone to know it was her birthday. (Now she calls me every year on her birthday to thank me for giving birth to her.)
The Mr. threw me a surprise birthday party one year and he invited my co-workers to have dinner at the Hotel Wolf and it was a wonderful birthday. He had help from a friend and we had a huge cake. Great fun!!
I love birthdays!!! I plan to have a lot more of them!!
~ "Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most LIVE THE LONGEST."----Larry Lorenzoni
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