Look at this stash! I signed up for a real quilt class and these are the fabrics I have chosen, with of course, the experts pointing me in the right direction. The quilt pattern is "Venetian Tiles" and I had to choose 15 darks and at least 6 lights. I needed a break between paint jobs. I will continue to document this project and have my first class this week. Wish me luck!
I did a little "googling" and found a lot of information on Pawnee Buttes (Colorado) and used those 3 key words for my search. Rather than put a link here, check it out if you like. It has become a real spot of interest apparently and we thought it was just a secret place our Dad used to take us!!!
Today is Twyla's birthday...Happy Birthday Girl!! We got snow finally today and as I compose this little bit of twitter it must really be nasty on the summit between Laramie and Cheyenne as the scanner is on and the WHP is really busy with accidents.
I spoke with a couple of dear friends this week. Moving has put a little distance between old friends, but we will remain dear friends and will cry and laugh together. There are others I need to call and will eventually get that done. If you have a friend to call...do it...cry and laugh together.
~ "Laughter is the shortest distane between two people."...Victor Borge
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