Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the snow is so delightful. (Note the drift above the Mr.'s head.)
Yes, we got lots of snow. Set a record for over 100 years..26 or 27 or more inches depending on where you lived here, for the month of October. Luckily, we didn't have to go out and had stocked our pantry. All major highways and byways were shut down for over 48 hours...we were socked in. But at least Cheyenne is large enough that we could get anything we needed. All city and county offices and school districts were closed yesterday and some today. But finally, the sun came out and it is melting fast. There was no point in going out to shovel as the snow continued and the wind kept everything drifted. Today was the third day and the Mr. finally got out to use the blower.
Oh, the weather outside is frightful-but the fire is so delightful. Fire? I have no fire. I had 3 gas flames in my last home. I woke up today to some kind of crud in my body. I got my flu shot, and we have been sanitizing our hands every chance we can when we go out or touch something. Pig flu? No...just a sinus thing I think. Haven't done anything creative the past few days...just glad I didn't have to go out in this stuff. I remember all of those days when I worked and had to brave this stuff day in and day out and I am so happy to be in. It is Wyoming and we do have some healthy storms. I will be resting and eating chicken noodle soup for the soul for the next day or so.