Has it been this long since I sat down to write? Wow! Guess I've been really busy or really lazy. As much as I would like to lie down and be lazy, it just isn't in my genes. Unlike some of my nearest and dearest, I am a morning person and I need to be
movin' an'
groovin' EARLY. I have been busy. I have learned where some of the medical clinics and various other facilities for health matters are located. I have learned that the local hospital has valet parking. I have learned that it has a pretty snazzy gift shop and a coffee bar. My good friend is on the mend now I think though, and today I told her that the next time we go out, we need to do something fun!!! Going to Doctors and clinics isn't much fun as far as I am concerned. (I have also learned that as I age, it is something I had better get used to....however, like my friend, I will be kicking and screaming all the way.) I have been busy with two quilts, I have been busy trying to get over the crap that has been stuffing up my head, and to tell the truth, I have been busy with other things but for the life of me I don't know what.
Above is the
Thimbleberries quilt for the year. The top has just been completed and I will have to quilt and bind it. This took me a year to put together and it may just take a year to quilt. The Mr. had a pool tournament this past weekend so my friend Sal and I hit some
bazaars, and some shops and had the best hamburgers! We stopped in at a place called 2 Doors Down, which didn't seem to have much for atmosphere and we were a little sceptical at first, but the burger was at the top of my list as far as burger go. It was a good day for a couple of gals to have a day out!! Thanks Sal.

I just had to post a couple of pictures of our doggies. Spencer is napping in one of his favorite positions...not very flattering, but it must be comfortable because he does it a lot. And Hildy tries to catch the snow as the Mr. shovels it. That is one of her favorite things to do. She jumps up in the air and does a flip while trying to grab the snow. Yes, we got hit last week with another storm!!
"Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere."
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