Finally, I finished the glass stars. Since I am not the best of photographers, you will have to use your imagination. We are supposed to get a really cold spell coming in this week. We went to the Christmas parade and stood in freezing temps for over an hour...it seemed like two. But the parade was really good and those poor little ones on floats weathered it better than us
ol' folks I imagine. I remember as a child, that Dad always took us to Greeley after Thanksgiving to see "Santa" as he arrived in the downtown park. What a thrill that was. On Christmas day we would always go to our Aunt and Uncle's home for a wonderful day of festivities. There was always snow it seemed and we were treated to a movie in the afternoon, (that was something we rarely got to do), and then back at their house, Santa always came by in a sleigh. People say that Christmas is for children and I suppose it is in reference to the "Child" whose namesake we celebrate. But I love the festivities of the season and if it is Christmas, or
Hanukkah, or Winter Solstice, or any other cause for celebration, do it for the child within.
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