Sunday, May 2, 2010

May Day!

Does no one celebrate May Day? I had a dear friend ask me that and although I am among the young at heart, the fact that I qualify for Medicare this month and the fact that I remember celebrating May Day, made me stop and think. When I was a youngster, not even in school yet, I spent a lot of time with my paternal grandmother, Lucinda. I remember that we would spend all day, April 30th making pretty little baskets and filling them with candy and flowers. I do not remember what kind, but it was probably jelly beans or the like. Then May Day, she would watch as I ran to each of the neighbors on her street, drop a basket on the front porch, ring the bell or knock and run as fast as my little legs would travel back before they could get to the door. What fun! At our small little two story brick schoolhouse, it was tradition to make May Baskets and I really don't remember when that custom ceased to be. (There is a lot I don't remember..but May Day--yes.) Google information about May Day..International Worker's Day if you are interested in researching it. I don't think my neighbors would know what a May Basket was. Oh! For the simple life! I still haven't mastered my new cell phone, but I could whip up pretty snazzy May Basket I am sure!

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