Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring yet?

 So I am impatiently waiting for spring...winter be done!!  At Christmas, my friend and neighbor with whom we consider family, built and presented me with this wonderful bluebird feeder including the dried worms.  The bluebirds have arrived and although I haven't seen any, neighbors have.  We had snow this week, several inches in fact, but it melted quickly so perhaps on the horizon, spring will emerge.  Actually, next week is officially the first day.  I still need to seal it now that it has been painted and we need to get a post in the ground for mounting it, but that will be in a few days.

 The flies have started to show up and although Coalette chooses to nap in the weirdest places (here on the printer), she can catch any fly that she can spot.  YUMMY!  (Flies?  Another sign of warmer weather?)-- and the prairie dogs are coming out of hibernation too.
 We have the most gorgeous sunrises here.  This is a very pale pink taken from my very small upper deck and through the window. (It was cold.) 
I have been sewing a great deal and have joined a group of quilters and met some pretty neat gals.  You have to remember that we are in very rural Wyoming and there are a lot of tough ol' birds around here.  There are even quite a few transplants...people who are looking for a more peaceful way of life.  It never ceases to amaze me that retirees are moving here, as we lack a lot of amenities associated with the needs of senior citizens.  The ones who live here are hardy stock and survivors for sure.  But with views like the one above, who can blame them.  There were 3 cars stolen last week from Saratoga.  Imagine that! All were unlocked with keys inside.  Everyone does that here.  That sort of thing just doesn't happen here.  They were apprehended not too far away, vehicles located and not so long ago would have probably been strung up like horse thieves.  It has been a quiet couple of news is good news..thus my absence from this blog. Just waiting for SPRING!

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