Friday, July 17, 2015

Catching up

 A few weeks ago I posted this suitcase with the quilt square I painted on the front.  Finally I have finished to my satisfaction the interior.  The Mr. helped me adhere the inside front with contact cement and I completed the folding organizer which folds flat for transport.  The suitcase allows room for my travel iron, starch, fabric, books, cutting surface, rulers of all sorts and the organizer holds everything else.

It also sits on my table with easy access to everything and unfinished quilt squares can be sandwiched flat between the folded organizer for transport also.  Voila'.

Enough of that!  On to other things!  The flower gardens are beautiful now, but the veggies?  Not so much.  Those critters ate so much of the small plants, that recovery was not possible!  The Mr. and I spent a few days staining the railing and seats of my Juliet balcony outside my sewing room and we have a flatbed trailer of stuff ready to haul off to the dump. There is a lot of work to do always it seems and our ol' bodies just don't work the way they used to do.  We do have our camper ready to haul to the camping spot and we are so fortunate to still be able to do that.  Blessed as we are to be able to enjoy the beauty and solitude of our nearby forest, it is always work too.  One of my quilter buddies is leaving to go east to live with her children.  She lost her husband this fall and must now relocate.  I am having the group here to "say goodbye" on Monday morning, so will spend some time on Sunday getting ready for a brunch.  I love to bake and although I don't do it much any more for a group this large, I am making a coffee cake, a danish and some scones.  We will also have fruit, juices and coffee.  I hate to see her leave, but the Mr. and I have also come to realize that we will not be able to stay here forever and I do miss spending holidays with my children.  I was so grateful to my granddaughter, Lexi for the time she spent with me, helping me to navigate my iPad and I we so enjoyed being exposed to her personality.  Her Grandpa is still relating the experience  (with her navigational skill  on the freeway) when we went to lunch.  She is still taking classes this summer and will be 22 this fall, but what a fun gal!

So on my calendar yet which is becoming too full of activities, are a myriad of activities.  After the quilt brunch and the camping trip and the birthday celebration first on Saturday for our 80 year old
friend, Keith, is a week long craft retreat the last week of the month with 4 of my friends.  We have several projects which will include lots of food too!  More about that.  The first weekend of August is a garage sale for the entire town of Encampment and that week a luncheon in Centennial for my school district friends and acquaintances.  All three of these are annual events that have kept us all in touch.  It is what small communities do here in Wyo.  Then the 2nd weekend of August is a quilt retreat in Encampment and I will be teaching a class for this 2 day event.  This is our 2nd retreat and the first was such a success.  After that.....I am sure something will be filling the calendar.  As long as there is is good.

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