Thursday, June 4, 2020


 Nothing is happening as we begin to open up after the first wave of virus.  We are told another may happen and the question is...will this unrest be another beginning?  Hopefully not.  Because it is so very quiet on the home front here, there is no news to share although we stay busy.  Above are some "hens" that my neighbor forced on me and I am grateful to get new plants, especially if I don't have to buy them.  Erica was here so there were plenty to share with her.  These are much larger than what I have ever grown as the stones are at least a foot long, perhaps longer.  Below, the Mr. is putting edging on the stretch of yard  that I have deemed to be a path.  He has been planting grass, fertilizing, and weeding dandelions.  Actually, our front yard has NO visible blooms now and it's actually green.  
Squirrels are about ready to have the second batch of babies and the first litters are nearly grown.  They are a bit flighty, but my mama squirrel comes nearly every day for her ration of peanuts.  The thing is....she just buries them.  She may eat one occasionally, but it has become a sort of game for us. She comes and begs on her hind legs with her little paws tucked under her chin and waits for me to throw her two peanuts.  I am sorry that I don't have more to post, but really it is pretty dull around here.  Not complaining though, as I am loving my time to be just me and not have to look at the calendar to see if there are obligations. 

We are ready to replace the windows in the house and that will be happening before fall...maybe sooner, depending on the contractors.

"How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!" ~ Maya Angelou

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